发表于 2005-3-15 11:37:05
中新社三月十四日电 中国国务院总理温家宝今天在十届全国人大三次会议记者招待会上回答美国记者提问时说:“解决台湾的问题纯属中国的内政,不容外国干涉。我们不希望外国干涉,但是也不怕外国干涉!”
对于中国总理上述言论, 美国人民不知道, 因为美国CNN没有进行报道, 提问的CNN记者的报道如下:
CNN (March 13, 2005)
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said the new legislation was not a "war bill."
"This is a law advancing peaceful unification between the sides. It is not targeted at the people of Taiwan, nor is it a war bill," Wen said at a news conference, shortly after the law was passed.
China has long threatened to take military action to prevent Taiwan from declaring formal independence. Monday's resolution, approved as the annual National People's Congress came to a close, puts a legal framework behind those threats.The law also declares that the status of Taiwan "is China's internal affair, which subjects to no interference by any outside forces."
"We are not willing to see that any foreign interference would occur, but we are not afraid of any interference should it occur,"Wen said. " |