本系现有的两个一级学科:电气工程学科和生物医学工程学科。本科招生按学科分两个专业。自96级本科生开始实行本─硕统筹的培养模式。我系每年招收本科新生约150人,截止2000年底,我系共培养了本科生8700余人。 本系博士和硕士招生专业均为6个(电力系统及其自动化、高电压及绝缘技术、电机与电器、电工理论与新技术、电力电子与电力传动、生物医学工程),4个全国重点博士点(电力系统及其自动化、高电压及绝缘技术、电机与电器、电工理论与新技术)。1996年6月起,电气工程学科被国务院学位委员会批准为首批试行按一级学科学位授权单位。我系电气工程学科博士点教学成果“面向国民经济建设主战场,培养高质量电工学科高层次人才”荣获1997年全国唯一的国家级特等奖。此外,我系还开办电气工程学科工程硕士课程进修班,直接为国有大、中型企业培养人才。截止2000年底,已培养博士毕业生180多名,硕士毕业生780多名。
学长朱镕基总理在系庆六十周年时为电机系写下了赠言:“为学在严,严格认真,严谨求实,严师可出高徒。为人要正,正大光明,正直清廉,正己然后正人。 清华电机系行年六十,弟子七千,为人为学,人才辈出。”
Department of Electrical Engineering was founded in 1932. More than 8000 graduates were cultivated since then. A host of graduates, who are with solid foundation of and broad scope of knowledge, and strong adaptability, have been acting as backbones of technology and management in many fields of our country. With the development of the science and technology, we have broken through the traditional scope of disciplines.
On the base of electrical engineering, many new research directions have been exploited, such as computer, electronics, automation control, system engineering, information science and biomedicine engineering.
There are two academic disciplines: electrical engineering discipline and biomedicine engineering discipline. Undergraduates are recruited in two specialties according to different disciplines. The overall cultivation pattern of undergraduate-to-graduate was established in 1996. About 150 freshmen are recruited in the department each year. Up to end of 1998, more than 8400 undergraduates have graduated from this department.
The 6 recruiting specialties of both the doctor degree and the master degree of the department are power system and its automation, high voltage and insulation technology, electrical machinery and electric equipment, electrical theory and new technology, power electronics and power drives, and biomedicine engineering. There are 4 national key doctor centers: power system and its automation, high voltage and insulation technology, electrical machinery and electric equipment, electrical theory and new technology, and biomedicine engineering. More than 140 doctors and 500 masters have been conferred degree. In June 1996, the electrical engineering discipline was among the first to be authorized by the Academic Degree Committee of the State Council to grant degrees as first class academic disciplines. 161 graduate students were enrolled in 1997, among which 36 were PhD candidates, 84 Master of Science, and 41 Master of Engineering. 101 students were conferred degree in 1997, 20 of them were PhDs and 81 Masters of Science. The teaching achievement of our doctor center of electrical engineering discipline, named “Face the main field of national economic construction and cultivate high quality electrical talents”, was awarded the only state special prize in 1997. Furthermore, the department launched advanced study class for engineering masters in electrical engineering discipline, which cultivate talents directly for large and medium sized state-owned enterprises. |