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It’s Her World, We’re Just Buying It (Kate Moss颓废吸毒女郎VS最会穿衣女人)

发表于 2007-5-11 14:58:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
KATE MOSS pondered the question for a moment. Her shoulders heaved forward to hold up a wisp of fabric in a print of white barbed wire that could qualify as a dress only on her. She gestured beyond the colossal security guards in three-piece suits, the scruffy entourage, the D.J. girls with the cropped platinum hair wearing her little dresses, the waiters clearing the detritus of broken Champagne glasses left in their wake and the sea of gawking news-media types whirling in the background with notepads in hand. Then she said what she wanted:

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Evan Agostini/Getty Images
‘MAGIC TOUCH’ Kate Moss at a party on Monday.
“The world of Kate.”

Ms. Moss touched the shoulder of Sir Philip Green, the British retail king who introduced the first collection of Kate Moss frocks at his Topshop chain in London last week and escorted her on Tuesday night to the seventh floor of Barneys New York for its American release. You’d have thought by the turnout that Queen Elizabeth had popped in for a white sale.

“I never told you that, did I?” Ms. Moss said, clearly to the delight of Sir Philip. “The world of Kate!”

The British press has not been entirely kind to Ms. Moss during her 19-year career. Setting aside for a moment the September 2005 news-media storm over images published in The Daily Mirror that indicated she had used cocaine, Ms. Moss’s debut as a designer was clobbered by the London papers. A sample headline from The Daily Mail last Wednesday: “Hysteria and the Great Kate Moss Con.”

But her fast transformation from working-class model to burgeoning brand name may be the most telling example of the current power of notoriety to sell clothes. Even Ms. Moss, who has cultivated an unparalleled mystique as a model who rarely reveals what is happening behind her beautiful facade, was visibly overwhelmed by the turnout of more than 1,000 customers for the Topshop introduction in London.

“I was a nervous wreck,” she said at Barneys. “I’ve always had a lot of attention to the way I dress. I don’t take that as a personal thing, like, ‘Oooh, they like me.’ They want a dress. Girls like clothes.”

Yesterday morning, surprisingly, there were fewer than 100 women waiting outside the Barneys store on Madison Avenue when it opened at 10 a.m. At the front of the line, sisters Brittney and Danielle Hershkowitz, 18 and 16 respectively, had been there for four hours.

“I think anything she wears, people want,” said Brittney Hershkowitz, standing before a window display that included a tiered black chiffon dress like the one Ms. Moss wore to the Costume Institute gala on Monday ($575). “She is very desirable, even after her drug scandal. I just don’t understand that. She’s supposed to be a role model for young children, so I’m shocked that so many people still stand behind her.” Still, Ms. Hershkowitz said she loved the model’s style and was intrigued by the paradox of her increasing success in the wake of the scandal.

“Personally, I forgave her,” she said, “but I thought I was the exception.”

So did many other women at Barneys, scooping up $20 henley tanks and floral chiffon baby-doll tops for $120. “That’s her own problem,” said Jane Ko, 31, a jewelry designer in Manhattan. “It’s more about her style for me. She has a magic touch. No matter what she wears, it’s fabulous.”

Ms. Moss’s problems may have humanized her in the minds of a public insatiable for celebrity gossip and yet sympathetic to the scrutiny under which celebrities must live. In Ms. Moss’s case, rising above the controversy has become part of her appeal, or perhaps an element of the brand. When Simon Doonan, the Barneys creative director, created an unintended stir by playfully describing Ms. Moss’s democratic appeal in The New York Post as “a working-class slag from a crap town, like me,” a British T-shirt company was selling “working-class slag” T-shirts for
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-11 14:58:23 | 显示全部楼层
曾经在上世纪90年代中期掀起简约主义与病态美学的Kate Moss出生于1974年1月16日,14岁随家人度假的返英途中,被英国风暴(Storm)模特经纪公司的萨拉-多卡斯发掘。第一次做模特,便被英国杂志《The Face》大幅报导。

  Kate Moss是设计大师卡尔文-克莱恩的宠儿,虽然个儿不高,而且也没有傲人的丰满身材,甚至有点瘦骨嶙峋,但时装大师都非常喜欢用她做时装表演模特。摄影师尼克-耐特认为,“MOSS有着美丽的外表,更有坚强的内心以及过人的聪慧。这些优点在她身上完美地融合在一起,所以她能吸引无数人为她痴迷,能保证自己一直屹立在时尚舞台的最前沿。”
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-11 14:59:36 | 显示全部楼层
Kate Moss的个人风格曾经影响了当代最重要的时装设计师、画家、设计师、化妆师、造型师,她抽烟、喝酒、戒毒,我行我素,她在任何场合下的着装都无懈可击,带动当时的流行风潮。然而一次过量吸食可卡因而晕到倒在T台,差一点毁掉了她的事业和前途。

  还好,Moss迷们的支持帮她度过了难关,《名利场》杂志更是顶着压力将她作为9月号杂志的封面,32岁的她头戴俄罗斯式白色软毛帽、身穿黑色皮靴和白色长手套,以最简洁的时尚符号展示出她优雅的一面。《名利场》以大篇幅彩页向这位英国名模表达敬意,因为在该杂志同期推出的“2006年最会穿衣国际名人榜”上, MOSS毫无争议地排名第一。”
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-11 15:00:24 | 显示全部楼层
性感的封面女郎是MOSS重返T台的最新形象,杂志上的MOSS依然充满诱惑、气色极佳,完全没有“白粉妹”的落魄相。虽然自从吸毒照片刊登后,曾与她签约的时装品牌纷纷与她解约,但丑闻的负面影响在最短时间内烟消云散,KATE MOSS以一系列新的广告代言合同、再次登上各著名时尚杂志封面等形式,宣布了她依然是时尚界无可替代的宠儿。没有在KATE MOSS低谷时期放弃她的英国经典品牌“巴宝莉”立即与她续约,并且以她为主角,展开了最新一季的广告攻势。落拓后的MOSS像凤凰一样浴火重生了。
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-11 15:00:51 | 显示全部楼层
Kate Moss最重视自己的头发,她说一个美女最重要的就是清洁、美丽,加上一头柔美的秀发。也许你会认为她的一头漂亮的金棕色的头发是靠昂贵的洗发水洗出来的,其实不然,她使用的是天然的丁香精油,价格虽然比那些昂贵的保养品便宜,但从现实来看效果实在不错!看来,美丽并不一定昂贵。
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-11 15:01:34 | 显示全部楼层
 Kate Moss喜欢我行我素,很多时候,她被狗仔队在街上抓拍到的镜头都是素面朝天,衣饰简洁,然而,她却屡屡被评为最会穿衣的名人,靠的是什么?当然是细节的点缀,也许是一副墨镜,也许是一个挎包,或者是那随意的系扣方式……“女神”的道行就化身在这奇妙的小细节中,迅即将这一处姿色平平的街景点化成为高端时尚杂志内的一页引人入胜的时装大片。时尚只会眷顾有心人,也许我们的衣服不起眼,但经过精心的细节点缀,我们也能成为街头的亮点。
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-11 15:02:00 | 显示全部楼层
人要想装扮出美丽,就要明白自己的缺陷,Kate Moss并没有高挑的身材,所以,超短设计再合适她不过了。黑色的吊带连衣裙没有繁琐的装饰,符合她一贯的着装法则,黑色本来就有收缩的效果,横向的收缩和纵向的拉长是成正比的,另外,超短设计也将她并不修长的双腿拉长了。这个着装妙招对于大多数东方人来说是最为实用的,不妨试试看。
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-11 15:02:51 | 显示全部楼层
 如果你认为身材不高并且消瘦的人非要穿一些紧身的衣服才能让自己显得高一点、丰满一点的话,那么这个想法实在是太偏执了,Kate Moss可不这么认为,她会毫不在意地穿着宽松的罩衫上街,只不过她搭配了一条腰带和黑色的裤袜,丝毫没有造成显矮的局面。通过自己的智商将矛盾化为和谐,难怪,Kate Moss总会出现在“年度最会穿衣的国际名人榜”上呢。
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-11 15:03:33 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-5-11 15:23:45 | 显示全部楼层
我喜欢她曾经的男朋友johnny deep
发表于 2007-5-11 15:53:17 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2007-5-11 17:57:58 | 显示全部楼层
小翘的鼻子 微微雀斑

(谢谢楼上的无偿翻译 ~^_^)
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