AHP作业——Human Resource Planning Model(Hospital/Medical Technologists)
The objective of this homework is to develop a human resource planning model based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The health-care industry is affected by many economic, social, and regulatory variables; these multiple perspectives suggest the use of a modeling methodology such as the AHP. In order to identify initially the important factors to be used in the AHP approach, a Delphi style procedure is used.
Hierarchy Development
The factors identified in the Delphi portion of this homework provide the primary basis for structuring the demand and supply hierarchies of the model.
1. Demand Hierarchy
The demand hierarchy is presented in Fig. 1. The form shown is that provided by Expert Choice's Display command. The node names and a brief definition of each element of the hierarchy as provided to the participants are presented in Table I. The hierarchy has five levels, and the level in which the element appears is also provided in Table II.
The first level has a single element and is labeled GOAL: it represents the overall focus of the model: demand for medical technology personnel. At the second level, the elements or nodes represent broad aggregated factor categories. These broad categories are further decomposed into more detailed factors on the third and fourth levels. Finally, the fifth level consists of outcomes: changes in demand for medical technology personnel. These were defined with both qualitative and quantitative descriptions. The nodes on the fourth level may be considered to represent subfactors of the second-level element MED CONS, medical consumptions patterns. However, these eight factors have been clustered under two third-level elements: PATIENTS, patient mix; and DISEASES, disease and treatment patterns. Clustering is used to reduce the number of comparisons required.
2. Supply Hierarchy
The supply hierarchy is presented in Fig. 2, and the element names, hierarchical level, and short definitions are presented in Table II. The supply hierarchy has four levels, 24 nodes, and 166 pairwise comparisons. The first level is the overall focus of the model: supply of medical technology personnel. The second level elements represent broad factor categories. These are further decomposed into more detailed subfactors. Finally, the fourth level represents the outcomes: changes in supply of medical technology personnel. Due to the smaller number of factors in this hierarchy, no additional clustering was introduced.
根据上述资料和数据,按照数学建模的步骤,写一篇基于AHP方法的关于Human Resource Planning 的数模论文,字数不少于5000字。 |