楼主 |
发表于 2008-2-15 20:22:49
are you ready to claim your magnificence?
这是一个短片,题名为Claim Your
a few years ago, i was guided to write something about "claiming my
magnificence", and i'd like to present that to you in just a moment. now
as i'm saying it, i'm going to be saying for myself with the word "I",
but i'd like you to feel as though you are saying it for yourself.
today, i'm ready to claim my magnificence.
i know that i have a unique place on the planet, and a unique
contribution to make.
i'm in the process of becoming the masterpiece i was meant to be;
and in that process, i'm willingly to lovingly brace all parts of
my masterpiece is already in consciousness and now the brush strokes of
my life have filled it in.
i feel vibrant, alive, enthusiastic, loving and joyous.
my joy is contagious.
i support myself in my magnificent ??? and i support others as well. |