发表于 2006-4-18 00:12:31
3、主要论点在于何祚庥的学术。而对何祚庥的学术指责的文章,来自于引用。楼主自己似乎并未在专业的引擎上查过何的文章。而原文作者,不仅错误百出,而且明明对于学术界署名惯例一窍不通(一般年长的科研人,较少在署名上挂第一作者,国际通行惯例,导师或者课题组长是放在后面的。通常在综述或者所有署名者都是同事的情况下才挂第一)。何祚庥在院士评定之前的文章,已经很难在引擎上搜索完全,就比较著名的引擎SCIFinder上搜索结果,何祚庥的文章远不止31篇,国内的web of science,只能搜索到1997年,否则该引擎更强大一些。
Zhang, ZongYe; Yu, YouWen; Ching, ChengRui; Ho, TsoHsiu; Lu, ZhongDao. A prediction of a new dibaryon system (W-W-) Jp=0+. Communications in Theoretical Physics (2000), 33(3), 321-328. CODEN: CTPHDI ISSN:0253-6102. CAN 133:141022 AN 2000:419241 CAPLUS
Chen, Heshen; Dai, Changjianq; Ding, Lingkai; Guo, Yanan; Huo, Anxiang; Jing, Cailiu; Kuang, Haohuai; Liu, Haitao; Ma, Jimao; Shen, Changquan; Sheng, Huayi; Yao, Zhiguo; Zhu, Qingqi; Ching, Chengrui; Ho, Tsohsiu; Gao, Chongshou. A proposal: phase-II of the L3+ cosmic study - search for new heavy particles in cosmic rays. Physics since Parity Symmetry Breaking: In Memory of Professor C. S. Wu, International Conference, Nanjing, Peop. Rep. China, Aug. 16-18, 1997 (1998), Meeting Date 1997, 386-392. CODEN: 67BPA5 CAN 130:115735 AN 1998:810296 CAPLUS
Chen, Hesheng; Dai, Changjiang; Ding, Lingkai; Guo, Yanan; Huo, Anxiang; Jing, Cailiu; Kuang, Haohuai; Liu, Haitao; Ma, Jimao; Shen, Changquan; Sheng, Huayi; Yao, Zhiguo; Yu, Zongqian; Zhu, Qingqi; Ching, Chengrui; Ho, Tsohsiu; Gao, Chongshou. Search for new massive particles in cosmic rays. Physics Reports (1997), 282(1), 1-34. CODEN: PRPLCM ISSN:0370-1573. CAN 126:283303 AN 1997:178142 CAPLUS
Ching, Chengrui; Ho, Tsohsiu; Liang, Dongqi; Mao, Yajun; Chen, Shiping; Sun, Hancheng. A possible explanation of the negative values of mne2 obtained from the b spectrum shape analyses. International Journal of Modern Physics A (1995), 10(19), 2841-9. CODEN: IMPAEF ISSN:0217-751X. CAN 123:299085 AN 1995:815483 CAPLUS
Hirsch, M.; Wu, X. R.; Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, H. V.; Ching, Chengrui; Ho, Tsohsiu. Matrix elements for 0nbb decay calculated with the operator expansion method and QRPA wave functions. Zeitschrift fuer Physik A: Hadrons and Nuclei (1993), 345(2), 163-9. CODEN: ZPAHEX ISSN:0939-7922. CAN 119:16246 AN 1993:416246 CAPLUS
Ching, Chengrui; Ho, Tsohsiu; Wang, Yiren; Yao, Jing. Possible multi-explosions of supernovas and induced gravitational collapse. NATO ASI Series, Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences (1992), 364(Black Hole Phys.), 403-16. CODEN: NSCSDW ISSN:0258-2023. CAN 117:199951 AN 1992:599951 CAPLUS
Wu, X. R.; Staudt, A.; Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, H. V.; Ching, Chengrui; Ho, Tsohsiu. Two-neutrino double beta decay with operator expansion method. Physics Letters B (1991), 272(3-4), 169-72. CODEN: PYLBAJ ISSN:0370-2693. CAN 116:69016 AN 1992:69016 CAPLUS
Ching, Chengrui; Ho, Tsohsiu; Zou, Bingsong. Pion double-charge-exchange on calcium isotopes. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics (1991), 17(8), 1203-8. CODEN: JPGPED ISSN:0954-3899. CAN 115:121523 AN 1991:521523 CAPLUS
Ching, Chengrui; Ho, Tsohsiu; Zou, Bingsong; Chiang, Huanching. Nuclear Fermi motion effect on pion double charge exchange. Physics Letters B (1990), 252(2), 192-7. CODEN: PYLBAJ ISSN:0370-2693. CAN 114:70284 AN 1991:70284 CAPLUS
Ho, Tsohsiu; Ching, Chengrui; Tao, Zhijian. Production of right-handed gauge bosons and heavy Majorana neutrinos at the Superconducting Super Collider. Physical Review D: Particles and Fields (1990), 42(7), 2265-73. CODEN: PRVDAQ ISSN:0556-2821. CAN 113:219397 AN 1990:619397 CAPLUS
Ching, Chengrui; Ho, Tsohsiu; Wu, Xingrong. Operator expansion method and the double beta decay of calcium-48 [Erratum to document cited in CA111(12):103558c]. Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics (1990), 42(1), 466. CODEN: PRVCAN ISSN:0556-2813. CAN 113:104426 AN 1990:504426 CAPLUS
Ching, Chengrui; Ho, Tsohsiu; Zou, Bingsong. Contribution of highly excited intermediate states in the pion absorption-emission mechanism of double charge exchange. Nuclear Physics A (1990), A513(3-4), 697-704. CODEN: NUPABL ISSN:0375-9474. CAN 113:85990 AN 1990:485990 CAPLUS
Ho, Tsohsiu; Ching, Chengrui; Li, Xueqian; Tao, Zhijian. Long-range effects in K0-.hivin.K0 mixing calculated in the potential model. Physical Review D: Particles and Fields (1990), 42(1), 112-17. CODEN: PRVDAQ ISSN:0556-2821. CAN 113:66744 AN 1990:466744 CAPLUS
Ching, Chengrui; Ho, Tsohsiu; Zou, Bingsong. Contribution of the two-nucleon pion absorption-emission mechanism to the pion-nucleus double-charge-exchange reaction. Nuclear Physics A (1990), A510(4), 630-40. CODEN: NUPABL ISSN:0375-9474. CAN 113:30381 AN 1990:430381 CAPLUS
Ching, Chengrui; Ho, Tsohsiu; Wu, Xingrong. Operator expansion method and the double beta decay of calcium-48. Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics (1989), 40(1), 304-13. CODEN: PRVCAN ISSN:0556-2813. CAN 111:103558 AN 1989:503558 CAPLUS
Ching, Chengrui; Ho, Tsohsiu. How to determine the nuclear matrix element in 2b-decay? - A discussion of PCAC, 2b-decay and double-charge exchange reaction of pions on nuclei. Communications in Theoretical Physics (1985), 4(1), 51-6. CODEN: CTPHDI ISSN:0253-6102. CAN 104:231893 AN 1986:231893 CAPLUS
Hu, Min; Ho, Tsohsiu; Wu, Lijing. Stripping negative hydrogen ions (H-) by using a strong magnetic field to obtain a neutral beam. Hejubian Yu Dengliziti Wuli (1986), 5(2), 77-83. CODEN: HYDWDP ISSN:0254-6086. CAN 104:137530 AN 1986:137530 CAPLUS
Qing, Chengrui; Ho, Tsohsiu; Liu, Jialin. Comments on the new neutrino "balance": discussion of the feasibility of using the electron capture process in terbium-158, -157, and holmium-163 for neutrino mass determination. Yuanzihe Wuli (1985), 7(3), 246-51. CODEN: YTHLDS ISSN:0253-3790. CAN 103:202149 AN 1985:602149 CAPLUS
Gao, Chongshou; Ho, Tsohsiu; Ye, Jun. Some discussions of possible mechanism of Z0 |