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发表于 2008-11-26 13:19:30
David archuleta
全名: David James Archuleta大卫-阿楚雷塔
昵称: The Soul Man From Utah, Soul Midget King, Mini Motown
生日: 1990年12月28日
座右铭: "You'll never be lonely if you learn to befriend yourself."
偶像: Natalie Cole, Stevie Wonder, Kirk Franklin, Bryan Adams
曲风: Pop, R&B and Soul
出生地: Miami, Florida, USA
就读高中:Murray High School in Murray, Utah
最喜爱的男歌手:Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Bryan Adams, Kirk Franklin.
最喜爱的女歌手:Natasha Bedingfield, Natalie Cole, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey
大卫出生于佛罗里达州的迈阿密,在他很小的时候就和音乐结下不解之缘。他自己曾说过,在他6岁看了一部《悲惨世界》的音乐剧后,便意识到音乐对于自己的重大意义。12岁那年,大卫参加了选秀节目《Star Search》的低龄组比赛,最后捧回了冠军,当时他唱的一首阿丽西亚-凯斯的“fallin'”技惊四座,被很多人誉为天才童星。
最喜欢的科目: 科学和社会研究
最爱的电脑游戏: Neopets, Zoo Tycoon 和 Roller Coaster Tycoon
最喜欢的电视节目: Lizzie McGuire, Star Search 和 Sister Sister
最喜欢的电影: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers 和 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
最喜欢的演员: Robin Williams, Jim Carrey
最喜欢的卡通: Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck 和 Donald Duck
最喜欢的乐团: Destiny's Child
最喜欢的歌曲: And I'm Telling You, Who's Loving You 和 Complicated
最喜欢的专辑: Avril Lavigne的Let Go
最喜欢的运动队伍: Utah Jazz
最喜欢的早餐: 谷类, 法国吐司 和烤薄饼
最喜欢的水果: 桔子,香蕉,苹果
最喜欢的糖果: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
最喜欢的饮料: 水,桔子汁,雪碧
最喜欢的运动: Rollerblading
最喜欢的颜色: 紫色,黄色
阿出曾在美国偶像第一季的选手面前演唱"And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going" ,其中就包括Kelly Clarkson.
他的父亲是爵士乐小号手,他的妈妈则是英语和西班牙语的流行歌手。阿出的歌迷叫做 "The Arch Angels."
他有一个兄弟和3个姐妹,名字分别叫做Claudia, Daniel, Jazzy 和 Amber. 他有两只猫叫做Cloudy和Midnight
David: You know, I've always doubted myself about my talent. I always thought everyone was kinda tone-deaf, and they're just trying to be nice to me 'coz I'm little.
David: I was to sing at this charity event dinner thing and I lost my voice that night and in the middle of the song I just, I was struggling so bad and I just completely lost it and my mom came up and ran up and just grabbed the mike from me and finished the song for me and I was just like, "I want to die." I was so glad my mom was there, if she wasn't there I would have probably just ran away 'cuz that was just, I just felt horrible about that. |