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发表于 2009-5-29 21:35:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Section Purpose
The purpose of this section is to test your basic Math skills.
Section Instructions
This is the Math Reasoning section. It is designed to test your ability to understand and implement mathematical principles within concrete circumstances.
Use the information presented in each question to solve the problem.
You will have 10 minutes to complete the 10 questions in this section.
If you would like to take a break, please do so now. Clicking the button below will start your assessment
Find the hexadecimal equivalent of 63726 in the decimal system.
Question Number 2
The gross monthly income of two salesmen Alex and Barry are in the ratio 3:4 and their monthly expenditure is in the ratio of 4:5. Find the ratio of their net income (net income = gross income – expenditure) given that Alex’s expenditure is 1/6th of his gross income.
Find a two digit number that is formed by adding 3 to 7 times the sum of its two digits or by reducing 3 from 19 times the excess of the tens digit over the units digit.
The price of fuel goes up by 20%, so Patty reduces her consumption so that her expenditure on fuel rises by only 8%. By what percentage does she reduce her consumption?

The distance traveled by an object is directly proportional to the square of the time taken to travel. If the object travels 245 metres in the first 7 seconds, then find the distance it travels in the next 3 seconds.
255 metres
55 metres
355 metres
155 metres

The average annual contribution per donor to a charity is $150. At the end of every year, the charity deposits the amount in a bank which offers 10% interest annually. For the first year there are 100 contributors. If the number of contributors rises by 10 every year and the average contribution rises by $20 every year, then what is the amount saved by the charity at the end of 3 years?

The price of an article was first marked down by one-third and then marked up by one-third. If the final price of the article is $400, what was the original price of the article?
Robert spent $165 to buy 30 tools such that the number of hammers to lathes to chisels was 1:2:3. If the cost of a chisel was half the cost of a lathe and one third the cost of a hammer, then what is the cost of a hammer?
The distance between 2 cities is 1600 kilometers (km). Bill drove at 50 km per hour and rested for an hour every four hours. What was his approximate average speed including stoppage time?
43 km/hr
40 km/hr
41 km/hr
45 km/hr

If (5x+10)/(x+2) = (3x-10)/(2x+5), then what is x?
-2 or -5

Section Purpose
The purpose of this section is to test your understanding of English sentence structure.
Section Instructions
This is the Sentence Structure section. It is designed to test your ability to form logical ideas and effectively organize the different parts of a sentence.
For each question you will be presented with a sentence with one or more words or phrases missing. Based on the information in the rest of the sentence, choose the best word(s) or phrase from the answer options in order to complete the sentence.
You will have 5 minutes to complete the 10 questions in this section.
If you would like to take a break, please do so now. Clicking the button below will start your assessment.
Tim felt he had _______ the party, when in fact he had made it more _______.

The teacher received an anonymous letter _______ that several students had cheated on her test.

She was glad she had gotten the immunization, as there was recently a(n) _______ at the school.

Assessment: Baseline IT Aptitude

Section Purpose
The purpose of this section is to measure your IT Reasoning ability by testing your understanding of abstract Math and Logic concepts.
Section Instructions
This is the IT Reasoning section. It is designed to test your understanding of the principles of logic.
You will be presented with a variety of questions that you must solve using principles of logic.
You will have 5 minutes to complete the 5 questions in this section.
If you would like to take a break, please do so now. Clicking the button below will start your assessment
The profit on an item which costs $C is $P. If the item was marked up by M% and then 2 successive discounts of X% and Y% were offered on it, which of the following represents the value of P?
C((1 + M)(1-X)(1-Y)-1)
C(1 + M/100)(1-X/100)(1-Y/100)-1
C(1 + M)(1-X)(1-Y)-1
C((1 + M/100)(1-X/100)(1-Y/100)-1)

The profit on an item which costs $C is $P. If the item was marked up by M% and then 2 successive discounts of X% and Y% were offered on it, which of the following represents the value of P?
C((1 + M)(1-X)(1-Y)-1)
C(1 + M/100)(1-X/100)(1-Y/100)-1
C(1 + M)(1-X)(1-Y)-1
C((1 + M/100)(1-X/100)(1-Y/100)-1)

The number of people attending a baseball game in a particular stadium is a function of a constant K and is also correlated to certain other factors – positively correlated with whether it is a holiday ‘H’or not, positively correlated with whether the home team ‘T’ is playing or not, and negatively correlated with whether it is raining ‘R’ or not. If H, R and T are fractions between 0 and 1, which of the following expressions could describe the attendance on a given day when it is raining, it is a holiday and the home team is not playing?
K * T * R * H

The volume of a cylinder is given by the formula πr2h, where π is a constant, r is the radius of the base, and h is the height of the cylinder. If the radius of a particular cylinder is halved and its height is doubled, the volume changes by what percentage?
Reduces by 75%
Reduces by 25%
Remains constant
Reduces by 50%
The income of a particular advertising agency tends to be a function of a constant K, and varies with the number of days (D) that the agency is employed, the number of new clients (N) and the total number of projects (P). Which of the following is a possible value for how much the agency income increased by percentage in a particular month from a previous month given the following assumptions: the number of days worked went up from the previous month by X%, the number of new clients increased by Y% and the total number of projects went up by Z%?
( (1 + X)(1 + Y)(1 + Z) ) * 100
( (1 + X/100)(1 + Y/100)(1 + Z/100) – 1 ) * 100
D * N * P * (X * Y * Z)
D * N * P * ( (1 + X/100)(1 + Y/100)(1 + Z/100) – 1)

Section Purpose
The purpose of this section is to test your ability to comprehend written English prose.
Section Instructions
This is the Reading Comprehension section. It is designed to test your ability to understand the English language in written form as well as draw logical conclusions based on the information presented in the passage.
You will be presented with 1 reading passage and 5 questions that refer to the passage. You must answer the questions based on the information included in the passage.
You will have 7 minutes to complete this section.
If you would like to take a break, please do so now. Clicking the button below will start your assessment.
Forestry is the art, science, and practice of managing forests and related natural resources. Silviculture, a related science, involves the growing and tending of trees and forests. Modern forestry generally concerns itself with: facilitating the use of forests for timber, wildlife habitats, natural water quality regulation, landscape and community protection, creating aesthetically appealing landscapes and biodiversity and watershed management. Forestry has developed into a field with a broad array of specialties typically requiring a bachelor’s degree or higher. Industry, government agencies, conservation groups, urban park boards, citizens” associations or private landowners may all employ foresters. Industrial foresters are predominantly involved in planning timber harvests and forest regeneration, while urban foresters focus on the management of forest and natural landscapes within city environments. Other foresters work in tree nurseries growing seedlings for regeneration projects, and still others are involved with tree genetics or developing new building systems as forest engineers. Traditionally, professional foresters develop and implement “forest management plans” that rely on tree inventories showing an area’s topographical features as well as its distribution of trees (by species) and other plant cover. In addition, these plans also consider the proximity of roads, culverts and human habitations as well as hydrological conditions and soil reports as factors that affect the area to be shaped by the forester. Finally, forest management plans include the projected use of the land and a timetable for that use. Foresters also frequently develop post-harvest site plans. These may call for reforestation, weed control, fertilization or the spacing of young trees (thinning of trees that are crowding one another).Other duties of foresters may include preventing and combating insect infestation, disease, forest and grassland fires. Foresters also may be involved in wildlife conservation planning and watershed protection.
This article, as modified and translated by PAC, is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License and is governed exclusively by the rights and terms of this license. This article uses material from the Wikipedia article ‘Forestry’, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forestry)

This passage would most likely be found in:
an earth science textbook
an anthropological journal
a business magazine
a local newspaper
a medical journal

Forestry is the art, science, and practice of managing forests and related natural resources. Silviculture, a related science, involves the growing and tending of trees and forests. Modern forestry generally concerns itself with: facilitating the use of forests for timber, wildlife habitats, natural water quality regulation, landscape and community protection, creating aesthetically appealing landscapes and biodiversity and watershed management. Forestry has developed into a field with a broad array of specialties typically requiring a bachelor’s degree or higher. Industry, government agencies, conservation groups, urban park boards, citizens” associations or private landowners may all employ foresters. Industrial foresters are predominantly involved in planning timber harvests and forest regeneration, while urban foresters focus on the management of forest and natural landscapes within city environments. Other foresters work in tree nurseries growing seedlings for regeneration projects, and still others are involved with tree genetics or developing new building systems as forest engineers. Traditionally, professional foresters develop and implement “forest management plans” that rely on tree inventories showing an area’s topographical features as well as its distribution of trees (by species) and other plant cover. In addition, these plans also consider the proximity of roads, culverts and human habitations as well as hydrological conditions and soil reports as factors that affect the area to be shaped by the forester. Finally, forest management plans include the projected use of the land and a timetable for that use. Foresters also frequently develop post-harvest site plans. These may call for reforestation, weed control, fertilization or the spacing of young trees (thinning of trees that are crowding one another).Other duties of foresters may include preventing and combating insect infestation, disease, forest and grassland fires. Foresters also may be involved in wildlife conservation planning and watershed protection.
This article, as modified and translated by PAC, is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License and is governed exclusively by the rights and terms of this license. This article uses material from the Wikipedia article ‘Forestry’, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forestry)

Based on the passage, which statement best describes a “forest management plan?”
The educational process under which those aspiring to become foresters train.
The equal division of a piece of land between multiple entities that are investing in it.
An overall evaluation of a piece of land that takes into account the various elements within the space and that guides a forester’s planting, shaping or landscaping.
The timetable through which a given forest environment is repopulated by an animal species whose population had decreased in the area.
A process through which an overgrown forest is cut down in its scope.

Forestry is the art, science, and practice of managing forests and related natural resources. Silviculture, a related science, involves the growing and tending of trees and forests. Modern forestry generally concerns itself with: facilitating the use of forests for timber, wildlife habitats, natural water quality regulation, landscape and community protection, creating aesthetically appealing landscapes and biodiversity and watershed management. Forestry has developed into a field with a broad array of specialties typically requiring a bachelor’s degree or higher. Industry, government agencies, conservation groups, urban park boards, citizens” associations or private landowners may all employ foresters. Industrial foresters are predominantly involved in planning timber harvests and forest regeneration, while urban foresters focus on the management of forest and natural landscapes within city environments. Other foresters work in tree nurseries growing seedlings for regeneration projects, and still others are involved with tree genetics or developing new building systems as forest engineers. Traditionally, professional foresters develop and implement “forest management plans” that rely on tree inventories showing an area’s topographical features as well as its distribution of trees (by species) and other plant cover. In addition, these plans also consider the proximity of roads, culverts and human habitations as well as hydrological conditions and soil reports as factors that affect the area to be shaped by the forester. Finally, forest management plans include the projected use of the land and a timetable for that use. Foresters also frequently develop post-harvest site plans. These may call for reforestation, weed control, fertilization or the spacing of young trees (thinning of trees that are crowding one another).Other duties of foresters may include preventing and combating insect infestation, disease, forest and grassland fires. Foresters also may be involved in wildlife conservation planning and watershed protection.
This article, as modified and translated by PAC, is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License and is governed exclusively by the rights and terms of this license. This article uses material from the Wikipedia article ‘Forestry’, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forestry)

Based on the passage, a ‘forester’ is:
a term referencing animals that live in environments with many trees.
a term referring to an area with an unusual abundance of trees and wildlife.
a particular species of trees.
a person whose profession is to manage trees and related natural resources in a given area.
a plan developed to guide the management of a certain piece of land.

Section Purpose
The purpose of this section is to test your ability to pay attention to detail.
Section Instructions
This is the Attention to Detail section. It is designed to test your ability to adhere to detail within a large volume of information.
For the following ten questions you will be presented with one table of information as well as a line of information from that table. Using the table, identify if the line of information presented is correct or not.
You will have 5 minutes to complete the 10 questions in this section.
If you would like to take a break, please do so now. Clicking the button below will start your assessment
Use the table to answer the question below.

Which of the following is not a valid part name?
Electric Hammer with Accessory Kit
All of the following are valid part names
Rotary Cup – Aluminum Grade
1.2cm Brass Thread Screws Forward Coil
Claw Hammer, Yellow Handle

Score by selecting balls from a box with balls of two different colors such that if a particular ball is preceded by an even number of balls of the same color or an odd number of balls of the other color, the score advances by 1 until the SCORE reaches 20. Each ball has the attribute BALLCOLOR and the first color is called FIRSTCOLOR and the second color SECONDCOLOR. Store the number of balls of the first color in NUMFIRST and of the second color in NUMSECOND.

What is the value of Cell 1?

Score by selecting balls from a box with balls of two different colors such that if a particular ball is preceded by an even number of balls of the same color or an odd number of balls of the other color, the score advances by 1 until the SCORE reaches 20. Each ball has the attribute BALLCOLOR and the first color is called FIRSTCOLOR and the second color SECONDCOLOR. Store the number of balls of the first color in NUMFIRST and of the second color in NUMSECOND.

What is the value of Cell 3?

Score by selecting balls from a box with balls of two different colors such that if a particular ball is preceded by an even number of balls of the same color or an odd number of balls of the other color, the score advances by 1 until the SCORE reaches 20. Each ball has the attribute BALLCOLOR and the first color is called FIRSTCOLOR and the second color SECONDCOLOR. Store the number of balls of the first color in NUMFIRST and of the second color in NUMSECOND.

What is the value of Cell 4?

Score by selecting balls from a box with balls of two different colors such that if a particular ball is preceded by an even number of balls of the same color or an odd number of balls of the other color, the score advances by 1 until the SCORE reaches 20. Each ball has the attribute BALLCOLOR and the first color is called FIRSTCOLOR and the second color SECONDCOLOR. Store the number of balls of the first color in NUMFIRST and of the second color in NUMSECOND.

What is the value of Cell 5?
Is SCORE = 21?
Is SCORE > 20?
Is SCORE < 20?
Is SCORE = 20?

Question Number 1
Please use the scale below to rate how accurately each statement describes you. Please be frank in your responses, and describe yourself as you generally are now, not as you wish to be in the future.
Ask questions that nobody else does
Very Accurate
Somewhat Accurate
Neither Accurate nor Inaccurate
Somewhat Inaccurate
Very Inaccurate

Question Number 2
Please use the scale below to rate how accurately each statement describes you. Please be frank in your responses, and describe yourself as you generally are now, not as you wish to be in the future.
Don’t mind being the center of attention
Very Accurate
Somewhat Accurate
Neither Accurate nor Inaccurate
Somewhat Inaccurate
Very Inaccurate

Question Number 3
Please use the scale below to rate how accurately each statement describes you. Please be frank in your responses, and describe yourself as you generally are now, not as you wish to be in the future.
Come up with something new
Very Accurate
Somewhat Accurate
Neither Accurate nor Inaccurate
Somewhat Inaccurate
Very Inaccurate

Question Number 4
Please use the scale below to rate how accurately each statement describes you. Please be frank in your responses, and describe yourself as you generally are now, not as you wish to be in the future.
Become overwhelmed by events
Very Accurate
Somewhat Accurate
Neither Accurate nor Inaccurate
Somewhat Inaccurate
Very Inaccurate

Question Number 5
Please use the scale below to rate how accurately each statement describes you. Please be frank in your responses, and describe yourself as you generally are now, not as you wish to be in the future.
Often feel uncomfortable around others
Very Accurate
Somewhat Accurate
Neither Accurate nor Inaccurate
Somewhat Inaccurate
Very Inaccurate

Question Number 6
Please use the scale below to rate how accurately each statement describes you. Please be frank in your responses, and describe yourself as you generally are now, not as you wish to be in the future.
Detect mistakes
Very Accurate
Somewhat Accurate
Neither Accurate nor Inaccurate
Somewhat Inaccurate
Very Inaccurate

Question Number 7
Please use the scale below to rate how accurately each statement describes you. Please be frank in your responses, and describe yourself as you generally are now, not as you wish to be in the future.
Am easily disturbed
Very Accurate
Somewhat Accurate
Neither Accurate nor Inaccurate
Somewhat Inaccurate
Very Inaccurate

Question Number 8
Please use the scale below to rate how accurately each statement describes you. Please be frank in your responses, and describe yourself as you generally are now, not as you wish to be in the future.
Avoid company
Very Accurate
Somewhat Accurate
Neither Accurate nor Inaccurate
Somewhat Inaccurate
Very Inaccurate

Question Number 9
Please use the scale below to rate how accurately each statement describes you. Please be frank in your responses, and describe yourself as you generally are now, not as you wish to be in the future.
Am always prepared
Very Accurate
Somewhat Accurate
Neither Accurate nor Inaccurate
Somewhat Inaccurate
Very Inaccurate

Question Number 10
Please use the scale below to rate how accurately each statement describes you. Please be frank in your responses, and describe yourself as you generally are now, not as you wish to be in the future.
Avoid responsibilities
Very Accurate
Somewhat Accurate
Neither Accurate nor Inaccurate
Somewhat Inaccurate
Very Inaccurate
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-29 21:39:04 | 显示全部楼层
对了 QQ183831029

 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-29 21:53:54 | 显示全部楼层
zi ji ding.
发表于 2009-5-29 21:57:01 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-29 22:02:33 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-29 22:02:54 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-29 23:14:19 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-30 00:03:29 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-6-7 20:46:45 | 显示全部楼层
[s:327] 很多年后看到空望远O(∩_∩)O~
发表于 2009-6-8 03:17:33 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-6-8 08:55:53 | 显示全部楼层
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