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英国黑客轻松入侵美国防部网站 称其安全性能相当差

发表于 2005-7-14 11:41:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
英国黑客轻松入侵美国防部网站 称其安全性能相当差

作者: CNET科技资讯网

CNETNews.com.cn 2005-07-14 09:1 AM

CNET科技资讯网 7月14日国际报道 英国一名可能被引渡到美国的黑客表示,安全性差是他能够入侵美国国防部网站的主要原因。

Gary McKinnnon

Gary McKinnon被指控进行黑客活动,对美国联邦国防系统造成损害。他表示,自己根本不想造成危害,他的全部行动只是要验证美国国防部是否知道有外星生物的存在。后来,他又对美国是否从2001年911恐怖袭击事件中清醒过来产生了好奇,因此再度入侵。





McKinnon面临“与计算机有关的欺诈”指控,控方称,他的活动涉及了美国陆军,海军,空军以及美国航空航天局。其中一些最严厉的指控称他“通过削弱数据,程序系统与信息的真实与完整性,有意造成损害。” 这些损害的成本达3.5万美元。



他说:“过去一段时间是非常黑暗的日子。但我现在已经感觉好多了。我们已经和英国议会的一名保守党成员进行了会面,他反对2003年引渡法的实施。和NatWest Three组织一道,我们正在寻求司法复议并准备修改相关的法律。”

NatWest Three是一个由NatWest银行前英国员工组成的组织,这个组织反对将与安然公司财务有关的英国银行人员引渡至美国受审的做法。



Alleged hacker: U.S. defense sites poorly secured

Published: July 13, 2005, 7:11 AM PDT

By Colin Barker
Special to CNET News.com

British man facing possible extradition to the United States says poor security was a major factor in his ability to have wandered through the IT systems of some key defense establishments.

Gary McKinnon, who is accused of hacking and causing damage to federal defense systems, also said that his actions, far from intending to cause harm, all started as an innocent attempt to prove that the U.S. Defense Department knows of the existence of extraterrestrials. Later he was driven by suspicions about federal policies and actions in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.

In an interview with ZDNet UK, McKinnon, who is out on bail pending an extradition hearing later in July, said that he was \"frightened\" to find U.S. defense systems were open to \"people from all over the world.\"

He claims that in one system he found that the local administrator's password was blank. Those in charge of the system, McKinnon said, had used \"image-based installation techniques where most of the machines have the same BIOS, the same hard drive, the same hardware specification\" just applied across different systems.

\"So you don't even need to become domain administrator,\" he said. \"That's 5,000 machines all with a blank system-level administrator password.\"

McKinnon said that there was no malicious intent in anything he did. \"They might say that my installing a remote control program opened them up,\" he said, \"but it didn't. The access was already there. I didn't even have to crack passwords.\"

McKinnon faces charges alleging \"fraud and related activity in connection with computers\" and covering the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and NASA. Some of the most serious allegations are that he did \"intentionally cause damage without authorization by impairing the integrity and availability of data, programs systems and information,\" which possibly cost the authorities $35,000.

If extradited and convicted, McKinnon could be sentenced to up to 70 years in jail.

McKinnon now faces a long battle to stay out of the U.S. courts, but he says he is starting to receive a lot of support.

\"For a few days (after the extradition attempt was announced in June), it was very dark. But I am feeling quite up now,\" he said. \"We have been talking to Boris Johnson (a Conservative member of Parliament), who is leading an early-day motion against the 2003 Extradition Act along with the (NatWest Three)...so together we are trying to get a judicial review going and to change the law.\"

The NatWest Three is a group of former workers at U.K.-based NatWest Bank who are fighting extradition to the United States on charges related to the Enron financial scandal.

While others are fighting on McKinnon's behalf, he is left to do what he can at home--without the use of the Internet, as this would violate his bail conditions.

He was first investigated under the U.K.'s Computer Misuse Act in 2002 and released without being charged. McKinnon maintains that he has done nothing wrong with computers ever since. He maintains that the U.S. charges relate to activities he engaged in before he was investigated by the U.K. authorities.

Click here to read the full interview, including details McKinnon said he found of UFO evidence and antigravity technology.

Colin Baker of ZDNet UK reported from London.
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