Establishment and Expression of Design Concept
——Design of C-Bon's Institute
庄 葵
Zhuang Kui
摘 要 通过介绍丝宝研究所的设计概念,试图探讨如何从企业文化、建筑功能等方面塑造和表达小体量建筑空间的精神特质。
关键词 设计概念 企业文化 功能空间
ABSTRACT By introducing the design concept of C-Bon's Institute, the paper tries to research the space features of small volume architecture from enterprise culture and architectural function.
KEY WORDS design concept, enterprise culture, function space
中图分类号 TU244.4 文献标识码 B 文 章 编 号 1000-3959(2002)03-0037-03