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事件:Paris Hilton转战歌坛发展

发表于 2007-8-16 11:20:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
从开始出现在大众眼前的那一天起,Paris Hilton就是一位备受争议的人物。作为希尔顿大酒店的合法继承人,Paris Hilton由于一盘与前男友的性爱录像带的曝光而在一夜之间成为了家喻户晓的名人。此后,她开始频繁出没于娱乐届与时尚届的各种颁奖活动当中。似乎没有人能够完全准确的定义她的身份,所以很多媒体都将Paris Hilton统一的称为“社交名媛”。今年年初,生性放荡,不喜欢平淡的Paris Hilton又做出了一条令人惊讶的决定,她要在歌坛发展,而且马上就要发行自己的音乐专辑。8月底,通过Warner Bros.公司旗下她个人的音乐厂牌Heiress,豪门艳女Paris Hilton如愿发行了她的首张专辑《Paris》。在两位资深制作人罗伯·卡瓦罗(Rob Cavallo)和斯科特·斯托奇(Scott Storch)的帮助下,这张《Paris》依靠相对比较丰富的编曲弥补了Paris Hilton唱功上的不足。就像Paris Hilton本人一样,专辑在发行之后也一直备受争议,而且还曾遭到一些歌迷的恶搞,但身经百战,分外老道的Hilton根本就不会在乎这些,相反,她还满怀信心的宣布自己已经开始准备第二张个人专辑了。对她来讲,发行个人专辑其实就像其他所有的娱乐活动一样,只要她玩得开心就会继续玩下去。KFCMAN/文
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-16 11:21:29 | 显示全部楼层
新浪娱乐讯 据外电22日报道,帕丽斯·希尔顿在自我推销上做得很出色。可是,当她要求流行音乐节目主持人播放首张个人专辑《帕丽斯》(Paris)收录的歌曲时,她简直自信得过头了。

  希尔顿今年25岁,不仅是社会名流和电视真人秀明星,还是一名歌手。她在接受22日发行的9月号音乐杂志《搅拌机》(Blender)采访时表示:“人们为它着迷。他们喜欢它。 人人都在问,‘这是谁?’我不会说出来,因为我不想让人们接连不断地给我打电话,把专辑录下来,在电话里谈论它的一些事情。”希尔顿说:“我认为当人们不知道那个人是我的时候,他们不会评价它。但是如果他们知道了那是我,就会惊讶地说,‘啊!’即使人们不会跳舞,也会喜欢这张专辑。”

  专辑《帕丽斯》预计22日发行。希尔顿推出的带有孩子气声音而加上瑞格舞元素的单曲《星星都醉了》(Stars Are Blind)荣登《公告牌》杂志舞曲排行榜榜首位置。谈到她的专辑,希尔顿表示:“当我听到它时就想哭,它简直太完美了。”


 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-16 11:21:49 | 显示全部楼层
演唱者:Paris Hilton
发行公司:Warner Bros / Wea

1. Turn It Up
2. Fightin' Over Me - Fat Joe, Paris Hilton, Jadakiss
3. Stars Are Blind(推荐单曲)
4. I Want You
5. Jealousy(推荐单曲)
6. Heartbeat
7. Nothing in This World
8. Screwed
9. Not Leaving Without You
10. Turn You On
11. Do Ya Think I'm Sexy(推荐单曲)

  2006年8月,一直负面话题不断的豪门艳女帕里斯·希尔顿(Paris Hilton)推出了她的首张个人专辑《Paris》。这张《Paris》在Warner Bros.公司旗下的Heiress厂牌发行,而Heiress厂牌的负责人正是Paris Hilton本人。在发行首周,《Paris》以7万7千张的单周销量名列Billboard 200专辑榜的第六位,使Paris Hilton成为今年“乐坛新人”中打榜成绩最好的女歌手。

  长期以来,媒体铺天盖地的负面报道可能会让很多人根本没有兴趣认真听Hilton开口唱歌。但是,如果我们以相对客观的视角来看这张专辑的话,《Paris》其实还真的算是一张不错的专辑,起码以当今流行乐坛的标准来看是如此。在专辑的制作方面,资历颇深的罗伯·卡瓦罗(Rob Cavallo)和斯科特·斯托奇(Scott Storch)联合来为Paris Hilton这张处女作把关(据Hilton本人称她已经开始准备第二张个人专辑),而Hilton本人也兼任专辑的执行制作人。从本张《Paris》的曲风来看,专辑中融合了舞曲,Hip-Hop和Reggae等不同的音乐元素。可听性相对较强的歌曲包括Paris Hilton的首支打榜单曲《Stars Are Blind》(在Billboard Hot 100单曲榜中最高曾排在第18位),旋律非常上口的《Jealousy》以及翻唱英国著名男歌手,“摇滚铁公鸡”罗德·史都华(Rod steward)的名曲《Do Ya Think I'm Sexy》。另外,有些稍让我们意外的是,首次尝试演唱的Paris Hilton还参与到了本张专辑五首歌曲的创作当中,这一点毕竟是很多职业歌手都做不到的。

  就像Paris Hilton本人一样,这张《Paris》从诞生之日起也注定是备受争议。不过,对于这位早已习惯了被各种话题包围的富家女来讲,推出个人专辑应该就如同去健身房一样,只不过是休闲娱乐罢了。KFC MAN/文
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-16 11:23:19 | 显示全部楼层
6. Heartbeat
小贩好像下了她的专辑 的
Heartbeat by Paris Hilton
I was lonely only I didn't know it
I was so sad only I didn't show it
You came like the sun breaking through the clouds
And I found your what I can't live without
You will feel what's up ahead from my heartbeat
I'm complete
And you will help me up again from my heartbeat
That's what I need
No I didn't know what I was missin'
Oh my baby since we've been kissin'
I can feel what's up ahead from my heartbeat
Its so sweet lying here with you
You'll look at me and I see my reflection
You'll understand who I am needs protection
The way you latch to me
The way you love me
And I will love you onto myself
You will feel what's up ahead from my heartbeat
I'm complete
And you will help me up again from my heartbeat
That's what I need
No I didn't know what I was missin'
Oh my baby since we've been kissin'
I can feel what's up ahead from my heartbeat
Its so sweet lying here with you
You came like born sun
Breaking through the glass
And I felt your world
I couldn't leave now
You will feel what's up ahead from my heartbeat
I'm complete
And you will help me up again from my heartbeat
That's what I need
No I didn't know what I was missin'
Oh my baby since we've been kissin'
I can feel what's up ahead from my heartbeat
Its so sweet lying here with you
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-16 11:25:58 | 显示全部楼层

Turn It Up by Paris Hilton
Gonna make me scream
Wanna cause a riot
Make a lot of noise
I don't wanna be quiet
When it get's real loud
I get even louder
Gotta turn me on
Gotta make me holla
You gotta know what to do
If you wanna get down
So don't role of your smooch
Now your running out of time
Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up
Can you make me hot
Make me touch the ceiling
Can you read my mind
Can you give me that feeling
When I loose my clothes
You like that don't ya
Let's get exposed
'Cause you know you want to
You gotta know what to do
If you wanna get down
So don't role of your smooch
Now your running out of time
Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up
Don't play around
Let's get it started now
We can get it started
Don't be scared to party
Get on move ya body
It's time to party
You gotta know what to do (Know what to do)
If you wanna get down (Get down)
So don't role of your smooch
Now your running out of time
Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up
Make me loose my mind
Turn it up
Gonna make me scream (Gonna make you scream)
Wanna cause a riot
Make a lot of noise
I don't wanna be quiet
When it get's real loud
I get even louder
Gotta turn me on
Gotta make me holla
You gotta know what to do
If you wanna get down
So don't role of your smooch
Now your running out of time
Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up
Aw don't be afraid to turn it up
Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up
Aw don't be afraid to turn it up
Aw don't be afraid to turn it up
Aw don't be afraid to turn it up
Scott Storch
发表于 2007-8-16 13:06:33 | 显示全部楼层
睁得好象还可以 这首歌的话

我就不多做评价了 [s:240]
发表于 2007-8-16 13:30:29 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-8-16 16:05:07 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-16 19:24:14 | 显示全部楼层
HEART BEAT 帖不出来,郁闷了
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