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IBM公司多伦多实验室DB2技术专家Raul F Chong先生来我院讲学

发表于 2007-10-25 10:50:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
近日,IBM公司多伦多实验室从事DB2技术研究的Raul F Chong先生来我院访问并为广大师生带来了一场DB2的技术讲座,本次讲座由院长助理边耐政副教授主持。 学院IBM技术俱乐部全体成员和2005级的部分学生参加了报告。

Raul Chong演讲的题目是“Boost your Web 2.0 application performance with native XML storage in relational databases”。Raul重点讲解了IBM推出的新产品DB2 Express-C。DB2是IBM公司研制的一种关系型数据库系统。DB2主要应用于大型应用系统,具有较好的可伸缩性,可支持从大型机到单用户环境,应用于OS/2、Windows等平台下。由于DB2是重量级的大型数据库,在校学生很难将其用于课程学习中实际的项目。IBM为改善此种情况,推出了轻量级的免费的DB2 Express-C。该产品具有DB2的商业版的绝大部分功能,使用较为简便,可免费使用,且去除了数据容量的限制。因此非常适合在学校相关课程和项目中推广。

Raul Chong重点讲述了DB2 Express-C支持XML的情况,强调DB2 Express-C是本地化的XML数据库(Native XML 数据库),且对于Web2.0的到来作好了充分的准备。他举例讲述了XML数据在数据库中的存储、查询的机制、效率以及与DB2内部实现的关系。

由于Raul F Chong不会讲汉语,同学们对其讲解的内容了解也不是很多,为使两者的交流更为顺畅,边耐政老师适时地口译了部分内容,两个人默契的合作为广大同学们带来了一场精彩的报告。

演讲会后,同学们也踊跃提问,和Raul F Chong 进行了很好的互动。通过两个小时的全英文介绍,同学们更加明确了未来软件的发展趋势,明确了以后努力的方向。



Speakers biography:

Raul F. Chong is the DB2 Express-C University Enablement program manager based at the IBM Toronto Laboratory. His main responsibility is to grow the DB2 Express community, helping members interact with one another and contributing to the forum. Raul holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from the University of Toronto, and is a DB2 Certified Solutions Expert in both DB2 Administration and Application Development.

Raul joined IBM in 1997 and has held numerous positions in the company. As a DB2 consultant, Raul helped IBM business partners with migrations from other relational database management systems to DB2, as well as with database performance and application design issues. As a DB2 Technical support specialist, Raul has helped resolve DB2 problems on the OS/390, z/OS, Linux, UNIX and Windows platforms. Raul has also worked as an information developer for the Application Development Solutions team where he was responsible for the CLI guide and Web services material.

Raul has taught many DB2 workshops, has published numerous articles, and has contributed to the DB2 Certification exam tutorials. Raul has summarized many of his DB2 experiences through the years in his book \"Understanding DB2 - Learning Visually with Examples\" (ISBN 0131859161) for which he is the lead author. He has also co-authored the book \"DB2 SQL PL Essential Guide for DB2 UDB on Linux, UNIX, Windows, i5/OS, and z/OS\" (ISBN 0131477005).
发表于 2007-10-25 12:41:22 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-25 12:46:50 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-10-25 20:47:55 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-10-31 10:05:13 | 显示全部楼层
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