should one believe in love or not?
Some people believe in love, and they think that it is the most fantastic relationship all over the world. However, some people think that there is no love in the world, left only sex and desire. To my perspective, one would never find the true love unless he or she believes in it.
First and foremost, the relationship between men and women has been there for millions of years. Imagine our ancestor used to live in caverns, he had no money, no kind of power or fame, what he wanted to do is stay alive until the sun rises the next morning, hugging his wife in arms, watching his kids go to sleep soundly. If relationship is only about sex or fame or money, if he didn't believe in love, or you would say that he never understand what is love, I would tell when the man find that his wife is pleased with the couple of rabbits he hunted today, his kids are getting stronger every day, he feels the power of love, and that's what makes him desire for another day's living.
Not only did our ancestors believe in love, but we should also believe in the pure relationship between men and women. One of my friends broke with her boyfriend last week and she thought he cheated her and finally dumped her. She was so outrageous that she even call the boy's parents. In the end, she didn't make her boy back to her and she lost grace and all what are precious to her. Her kind of solving the problem is totally wrong. When your girlfriend or boyfriend wants to dump you, it is only today or tomorrow that he or she would leave you. What you do doesn't make any sense, you would never have her or his heart back.
I don't know what I am writing about and I was just about to write some kind of essay for my iBT test. And now I've wasted my whole evening watching tv and cry and write about something would never make sense.
The world is crazy! |