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[音乐推荐] 瑞典清新民谣:Hello Saferide《Long Lost Penpal》

发表于 2008-5-29 13:57:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
来自瑞典的女艺人Hello Saferide(原名Annika Norlin)之前只是一名默默无闻的普通人,直到一首\"Highschool Stalker\"在互联网发表之后,不仅广受好评,还获得一份合约。在发行了两张单曲之后,终于在2005年推出了首张专辑<Introducing...Hello Saferide>。而在今年又推出了一张EP:<Would you let me play this EP ten times a day?>刚听<Introducing...>的时候只是单纯被她的声音和旋律吸引。Annika Norlin的声音是多变的;有时象邻家女孩般青春活力,有时象恋人般温柔甜蜜,而有时又成熟干练,或者带着一丝忧伤寂寞。

Hello Saferide-Long Lost Penpal (点击试听)

Do you remember me
I am your long lost penpal
It must have been ten years ago we last wrote
I don&#39;t really know what happened
I guess life came in the way
Let me know if you&#39;re still alive
Let me know if you ever used that knife or not

Yes I remember you
I&#39;ve got a hus·band and two children now
I work as an accountant and make fairly good money
I still have your letters, you used a pink pen to write them
And you would comfort me
when my tears would stain the ink
And I would send you mix tapes with Kate Bush on

I have to admit I sometimes lied in those letters
Tried to make life better than it was
I still wasn&#39;t kissed at sixteen
And I still need a friend

There was this letter
I never told you this back then
But it would be fair to say it saved my life
I sat in the window
The only one left out from a party again
Pretty sure I didn&#39;t have a single friend
Then I checked the mailbox

Dear long lost penpal
I was lying the whole time
I&#39;m really a 46 years old man named Luke
I have three children
and a wife, she doesn&#39;t care
And I hope you don&#39;t resent me
And I hope you do not hate me
For trying to find my way back to what it&#39;s like to be young

I have to admit I sometimes lied in those letters
Tried to make life better than it was
I still wasn&#39;t kissed at sixteen
And I still need a friend
发表于 2008-5-29 23:25:12 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-6-9 20:54:54 | 显示全部楼层
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