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发表于 2009-6-7 15:57:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

1.金庸小说《鹿鼎记》中,韦小宝加入了什么组织(In Jin Yong's (Louis Cha) novel \"The Deer and the Cauldron\";, which organisations did Wei Xiaobao join)?
A 郁达夫
B 金庸
C 梁实秋

2. 以下哪一部电影不是由李安所执导(Which of the following movies below is not directed by Ang Lee)?
A 《理性与感性》(Sense And Sensibility)
B 《与魔鬼共骑》(Ride With The Devil)
C 《傲慢与偏见》(Pride And Prejudice)

3. 以下的哪一句是英文谚语 \"over the hill\" 最适当的翻译(Which of the following Chinese phrases best translates the English expression \"over the hill\")?
A 一山还有一山高
B 曾经沧海难为水
C 风光不再

4. “破釜沉舟”比喻下定决心做到底。请问“釜”指的是什么(The Chinese expression \"po fu chen zhou\"; describes one's conviction to press on regardless of the sacrifices involved. On its own, the Chinese character \"fu\" refers to)?
A 锅
B 斧头
C 盾牌

5. 请选出“妊娠”的正确拼音(What is the Hanyu Pinyin for “妊娠” (pregnancy)):
A rèn shēn
B rèn chén
C rèn cēng

6. 以下哪一部电影并非出自《聊斋志异》(Which one of the following films is not an adaptation of any of \"The Strange Tales of Liao-Zhai\")?
A 画皮
B 倩女幽魂
C 阴阳错

7. 新加坡独立后的第一任国防部长是哪一位(Which statesmen became the first Minister for Defence upon Singapore's independence)?

A 吴庆瑞博士(Dr Goh Keng Swee)
B 林金山先生(Mr Lim Kim San)
C 李光耀先生(Mr Lee Kuan Yew)

8. 1967年,商人梁润之与哪一位知名作家创办了本地的《新明日报》(In 1967, businessman Liang Renzhi co-founded Singapore's Shin Min Daily News with which renowned writer)?

A 郁达夫
B 金庸
C 梁实秋

9. 台湾歌手周杰伦有首歌名为“七里香”。请问 “七里香”是什么(Taiwanese singer Jay Chou has a song called “qi li xiang”. What is “qi li xiang”?)?
A 香水
B 植物
C 地名

10. 回教堂在中国被称为(In China, “hui jiao tang” (mosques) are also known as):

A 道观
B 清真寺
C 福灵堂

11. 网民们所用的“潜水”一词,指的是什么网络行为(Chinese netizens use the phrase \"qian shui\"; to refer to)?
A 留言中伤
B 只看帖,不留言
C 匿名留言

12. 以下哪一国并不是“G8”(八大工业国组织)的成员国(Which one of the following countries is not a member of the \"G8\" (Group of Eight))?
A 加拿大
B 中国
C 意大利

第8周挑战题Challenge Week 8

1. 第一部在坎城电影节展出的新加坡电影是哪部(Which the following was the first Singapore film to be invited to take part in the Cannes Film Festival)?
A 吴荣平与胡恩恩的《美满人生》
B 邱金海的《12楼》
C 唐永健的《吃风》

2. 台海两岸的“大三通”指的是(The “Three Links”; between China and Taiwan refer to):
A 通邮、通商、通航
B 通游、通商、通航
C 通邮、通商、通讯

3. 《四书》指的是哪四本经典著作(In Chinese literary circles, the “Four Books”; refer to which of the following Chinese classic texts)?
A 道德经、诗经、山海经、易经
B 西游记、红楼梦、水浒传、三国演义
C 论语、大学、中庸、孟子

4. “走天桥”指的是什么行业(The Chinese colloquial expression \"zou tian qiao\" (walk the bridge) refers to which occupation)?
A 交通警察
B 模特儿
C 歌手

5. 知名导演王家卫曾在哪一部电影里客串演出过警察角色(Renowned Hong Kong director Wong Kar Wai has a cameo as a cop in which movie)?
A 雷洛传
B 旺角卡门
C 猛鬼学堂

6. 在新加坡讲古历史上占了非常重要位置的粤语讲古员是哪一位(Who from the following was regarded as one of the greatest Cantonese storytellers in Singapore)?
A 黄正经
B 李大傻
C 王道

7. 金融界所说的“硬货币”是指什么(In the world of finance, what does the phrase \"hard currency\" refers to)?
A 黄金
B 被全球广泛接受,能用作国际支付、兑换,信用程度高的货币,如美元、英镑等
C 硬币

8. 猜这是什么汉字(What does this hieroglyph for the Chinese character stand for)?
A 井
B 行
C 分

9. 于落成时被名为“天演舞台”的,是后来的哪一间新加坡戏院(The venue formerly known as \"tian yan wu tai\" (Divine Performance Theatre) eventually became which cinema)?
A 首都戏院
B 大华戏院
C 奥迪安戏院

10. 已故日清(Nissin)食品创办人,被誉为“速食面”之父的安藤百福(吴百福)原是哪里人(Dubbed \"The Noodle Papa\", Momofuko Ando, founder of Nissin Food Products Co., was born in)?

A 夏威夷人
B 香港人
C 台湾人

11. 中国总理温家宝的“粉丝”们自称为什么(What do Premier Wen Jiabao's supporters call themselves)?
A 宝之林
B 八宝饭
C 宝宝族

12. 被古人称为“无肠公子”的,是哪一种海鲜(Ancient Chinese used the expression \"wu chang gong zi\"; (a gentleman without intestines) to refer to)?
A 鲍鱼
B 海参
C 螃蟹

第7周挑战题答案(Challenge Week 7 Answers)

1.答案:天地会(The Heaven and Earth Society)

2. 答案:《傲慢与偏见》(Pride And Prejudice)

3. 答案:风光不再(one no longer stands in the midst of wind and light)

4.答案:锅(A pot)

5. 答案:rèn shēn

6.答案:阴阳错(Esprit D'Amour)

7. 答案:吴庆瑞博士(Dr Goh Keng Swee)

8.金庸(Jin Yong (Louis Cha))


10. 答案:清真寺

11.答案:\"只看帖,不留言\"( the mere reading of a post, without contributing feedback)


第8周挑战题答案(Challenge Week 8 Answers)

1. 答案:邱金海的《12楼》(12 Storeys, by Eric Khoo)

2答案:通邮、通商、通航(Postal, trade and transportation links)

3. 答案:论语、大学、中庸、孟子(Analects of Confucius, The Great Learning, Doctrine of the Mean, Mencius)


5.答案:猛鬼学堂(Haunted Cop Shop)

6 答案:李大傻(Lee Dai Sor (Big Fool Lee))

7. 答案:被全球广泛接受,能用作国际支付,兑换,信用程度高的货币,如美元,英镑等(a globally traded currency that can serve as a reliable and stable store of value, such as the United States Dollar or the British Pound Sterling)

8. 答案:行(a row, a line, to walk)

9. 答案:大华戏院(Majestic Cinema)


11. 答案:八宝饭((8 Treasures Rice Pudding)

发表于 2009-6-7 20:25:16 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-6-8 17:38:10 | 显示全部楼层
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